Hello, last first day of High School. Senior year is officially here. Make the most of every moment. Cheers to a year full of growth, opportunities, adventure, Friday night lights, cafeteria food, friendships, one last prom, and so many transitions. Soak it all in.
So thankful I had the opportunity to capture Abby’s senior portraits on some of her beautiful family land. SO excited to watch her take on her senior year. God has big plans for her and everyone entering into this season!
When I think back to my senior year… 13 years ago….holy hen…yes I said that right …13 YEARS AGO… I cannot think of a negative aspect. It was such fun season of my life.
If only I could go back to that young girl 13 years ago…I think I would tell her not to worry. Life after High School will all come together better than you can plan it. I think my advice would be most importantly to develop and maintain a deep devotional life with God. When we fail to live a life close to God we can easily miss his message and purpose for our life. Don’t make God have to leave that voicemail. Be ready to answer his specific calling and direction for your life by remaining close to God every step of the way. God’s direction or message can be time sensitive. Gods message can carry opportunities. Gods message can call for a step of faith. DON’T LET GODS MESSAGE GO TO VOICEMAIL. REMAIN CLOSE TO GOD SO YOU ARE READY TO HEAR THAT DIRECT MESSAGE. Don’t allow worry to keep you distance from God or cause you to send that call to voicemail. Meet the author of your story right where you are.
Secondly, the world will try to pull you down. Going off to college gives you your independence…which is great. Just be careful what voices or so called “phone calls” you accept into your life. If you are not careful… before you know it the wrong voices will be giving you a call trying to pull you into the ways of the word. I guess what I am trying to say here is be careful who you let speak into your life. Different voices or “phone calls” can pull you down if you are not deeply rooted in your faith and who Gods calling you to be.
Just a few words of wisdom. Most importantly enjoy the season of senior year. Enjoy the season of fun. Be prepared for that phone call.

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August 28, 2023